They're corny. They're badly written. They're cliche. But damn it, I love 'em. Screw the critics and take a read about the movies that weren't so admired....
Legally Blonde has the ever amazing Reese Witherspoon starring in this funny, snappy, cheesy comedy. The stereotypes are hardly new and the plot nothing original but damn, it's fun all the way to the cliche graduation ending. Now, we all ready? Bend and Snap!!
Classic scene: Elle's video tape for Harvard
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating:***
Rotten Tomatoes: 68%
Legally Blonde has the ever amazing Reese Witherspoon starring in this funny, snappy, cheesy comedy. The stereotypes are hardly new and the plot nothing original but damn, it's fun all the way to the cliche graduation ending. Now, we all ready? Bend and Snap!!
Classic scene: Elle's video tape for Harvard
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating:***
Rotten Tomatoes: 68%
Hannibal is not as good as the original. I am with you there and sure, the plot isn't nearly as good as Lambs, nor the suspense. However having the misfortune of reading the novel.. .and it's ending... I gotta say Mr Scott did a nice job with that pile of vomit (I mean that in the nicest way Harris, I still love you dearly for Silence). But nonetheless I like this movie. I think Julianne Moore did a nice job though I still miss Jodie however Hopkins does such a great job as usual. The movie for me really begins once Hannibal comes back to the States and the hunt is on!
Classic scene: Brains anyone?
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating:**1/2
Rotten Tomatoes: 38%
Where The Heart Is is corny, incredibly corny relying heavy on cliches and well... cliches. Some of the dialogue is so so sappy the screen starts to melt. While the characters may annoy other watchers I find them endearing. Even their odd little names. Plus I know you can't stay in department stores but it's always a cool thought- stupid alarm systems!
Classic scene: Grace before meals.
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating: *
Rotten Tomatoes: 37%
Just Friends is nothing original in terms of plot. but with Ryan Reynolds, Anna Farris, brotherly love, a ditzy mother and toothpaste is concerned. Well, its funny, very funny, and corny but funny. It's bringing a smile to my face right now! I can see him singing
Classic scene: It's ok! She's got her toothpaste!
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating: **1/2
Rotten Tomatoes: 43%
Zoolander is not corny just incredibly stupid. Rather like Derek. I gotta say, I am not a huge Ben Stiller fan but I do like Owen Wilson. The characters are great. The dialogue is so stupid it's awesome and people, look! They're break dance fighting..... and with ridiculously good looking style.
Classic scene:The Walk Off
IMDB rating:6.2
Film Critic rating: ***1/2
Rotten Tomatoes: 63%
All rated several smiley faces from me!
So folks out there....what's your filmic guilty (or not so popular) pleasures?