L'Appartment is a fantastic little French movie about hidden love and misunderstandings.
(Runner up: About A Boy)

Back to the Future is a classic mix of comedy and adventure.
(Runner up: A Beautiful Mind)

The Castle is an Aussie comedy where the little guy with good intentions wins.
(Runner up: The Curse of the Wererabbit)

I studied Dead Poets Society in high school and have loved it ever since. I started watching House MD because i wanted to see Robert Sean Leonard other works.
(Runner up: Dial 'M' for Murder)
The Emperor's New Groove is the funniest Disney movie yet.
(Runner up: Edward Scissorhands)

Forrest Gump is one of the best movies featuring CGI. It's overly sappy but I love it.
(Runner up: Finding Neverland)

Galaxy Quest is the movie satire on sci-fi series.
(Runner up: Gulliver's Travels)

Happy Feet is amazing all round from the beautiful visuals to the powerful story.
(Runner up: Howl's Moving Castle)

(Runner up: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)

Just Friends. Silly silly fun.
(Runner up: Jumanji)

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of the best examples of great dialogue.
(Runner up: King Kong)

A League of Their Own is a beautiful story with a talented cast.
(Runner up: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy)

The Matrix. Well duh...
(Runner up: Men in Black)

Napoleon Dynamite. "I see you're drinking one percent. Is that because you think you're fat? Because you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to."
(Runner up: Notting Hill)

Ocean's Eleven is on of the best remakes I've seen.
(Runner up: Once Upon a Time in China)

Pan's Labyrinth is a chilling fantasy adventure about a young girls nightmarish reality.
(Runner up: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl)

Quills. I haven't really seen that many Q movies....
(Runner up: The Quiet American)

Raising Arizona is a funny, off-centred quirky flick.
(Runner up: Remains of the Day)
The Shawshank Redemption. My absolute favourite.
(Runner up: The Silence of the Lambs)

The Truman Show is a fascinating look at the media and reality television.
(Runner up: Toy Story)

United 93 is a haunting look at the story behind Flight 93 on 9/11.
(Runner up: Unforgiven)

Vertigo is one of the best Hitchcock film with a memorably haunting obsessive James Stewart.
(Runner up: The Village)

The Wedding Singer is just a fun rom com with great chemistry between the two leads.
(Runner up: Walk the Line)

X2. There wasn't really much competition for this one, though this is my favourite comic book movie.
(Runner up: X-men)

Young Frankenstein. Lot's of competition here too....

Zelery is a sweet story about a Jewish lady hiding in the countryside, married to a kind stranger.
(Runner up: Zoolander)