Monday, February 25, 2008

Breaking Even with Corn, Cheese and a Side of Stoopid!

They're corny. They're badly written. They're cliche. But damn it, I love 'em. Screw the critics and take a read about the movies that weren't so admired....

Legally Blonde has the ever amazing Reese Witherspoon starring in this funny, snappy, cheesy comedy. The stereotypes are hardly new and the plot nothing original but damn, it's fun all the way to the cliche graduation ending. Now, we all ready? Bend and Snap!!

Classic scene: Elle's video tape for Harvard
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating:***
Rotten Tomatoes: 68%

Hannibal is not as good as the original. I am with you there and sure, the plot isn't nearly as good as Lambs, nor the suspense. However having the misfortune of reading the novel.. .and it's ending... I gotta say Mr Scott did a nice job with that pile of vomit (I mean that in the nicest way Harris, I still love you dearly for Silence). But nonetheless I like this movie. I think Julianne Moore did a nice job though I still miss Jodie however Hopkins does such a great job as usual. The movie for me really begins once Hannibal comes back to the States and the hunt is on!

Classic scene: Brains anyone?
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating:**1/2
Rotten Tomatoes: 38%

Where The Heart Is is corny, incredibly corny relying heavy on cliches and well... cliches. Some of the dialogue is so so sappy the screen starts to melt. While the characters may annoy other watchers I find them endearing. Even their odd little names. Plus I know you can't stay in department stores but it's always a cool thought- stupid alarm systems!

Classic scene: Grace before meals.
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating: *
Rotten Tomatoes: 37%

Just Friends is nothing original in terms of plot. but with Ryan Reynolds, Anna Farris, brotherly love, a ditzy mother and toothpaste is concerned. Well, its funny, very funny, and corny but funny. It's bringing a smile to my face right now! I can see him singing

Classic scene: It's ok! She's got her toothpaste!
IMDB rating: 6.3
Film Critic rating: **1/2
Rotten Tomatoes: 43%

Zoolander is not corny just incredibly stupid. Rather like Derek. I gotta say, I am not a huge Ben Stiller fan but I do like Owen Wilson. The characters are great. The dialogue is so stupid it's awesome and people, look! They're break dance fighting..... and with ridiculously good looking style.

Classic scene:The Walk Off
IMDB rating:6.2
Film Critic rating: ***1/2
Rotten Tomatoes: 63%

All rated several smiley faces from me!

So folks out there....what's your filmic guilty (or not so popular) pleasures?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Romance Central

I know I depressed some of you with my favourite tragic romances so let's look at the one's I love that worked....

Anna & Will

Notting Hill
She's as famous as can be, but this average 'flopsy' British guy came and managed, after several attempts, to secure her heart. They got married and lived happily ever after, sitting on benches in private gardens.
Secret Ingredient: Prescription Diving Goggles

Ana & Harold

Stranger Than Fiction
Just goes to show that giving flours, yes flours can work (I love that scene and that gesture.). Even after getting hit by a bus thanks to a kind hearted author, bed bound Harold lives to see another day with his sweetie.
Secret Ingredient: Cookies

Elinor & Edward

Sense and Sensibility
The girl finds the silent, polite guy of her dreams only to find out he's engaged! After enduring her broken heart and his insufferable fiancee, as fate would have it, she marries the brother instead, leaving Elinor weeping for joy as he proposes in the traditional style filled with emotion.
Secret Ingredient: An atlas

June & Johnny
Walk the Line
After battling drugs, alcohol and a divorce, the love of his life still refused his countless proposals, despite the obvious attraction between the two. June finally said 'yes' putting a little more meaning into my favourite Cash song..."We got married in a fever!..."
Secret Ingredient: A microphone

Sylvia & Truman
The Truman Show
Banned from set and his life, she watched anxiously as he discovered the truth about his life...and remembered the love of his life. After striking the sky one day, he opened the door to find her once and for all.
Secret Ingredient: A red knitted shawl

Ed & H.I.

Raising Arizona
After meeting and marrying, this not-so-ex con (Son of a bitch!) and ex police lady try out for a youngin' with little success. Even after their brief time with Nathan Jr, they're still together, dreaming of happiness.
Secret Ingredient: Huggies

Julia & Robbie
The Wedding Singer
Nothing like finding out you're in love with the girl whose wedding you're planning, not to mention her groom-to-be is a loser, her mother is a snob and your ex suddenly returns, admitting her mistake! But a simple song from first class seals the deal and wedding bells it is.
Secret Ingredient: Blank Sheet Music

Nimue & Merlin
Their romance was generally from a distance, meeting occasionally to rest from the demands of the world, until Nimue rested a little too long, trapped by Mab's magic. Fortunately, after reunited after so long, a little bit of magic gave them back the time they had lost and they spent their days in peace.
Secret Ingredient: The moon

Hope you all feel better now! Thanks for all your comments.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

And the males.....

(From Cast Away. He doesn't say much but we felt his loss like anything when he was lost at sea. Sometimes it's just the simple things...)

(From the fantastic series and film, Wallace and Gromit. He's smart, sensible and saves his silly owners butt more then most. Gotta be the best dog ever.)

(From the Sci-fi series, Stargate SG-1. How can you resist our favourite space monkey? He's hot, incredibly smart and always stands up for the little guy... or alien....)

(From the trilogy, Back to the Future. He's cute, fiery and just an all round decent guy. One that you can take home to mum (...especially mine since she loves Michael J Fox!).)

(From Burton's classic, Edward Scissorhands. He's innocent, kind and most of all, quirky. Awww!)

(From the film, Crocodile Dundee. I swear, us Aussies are all this bush savvy. Okay, maybe not but hopefully we're down to earth, charming and witty like he is!)

(From Galaxy Quest. He's under appreciated, stressed out and has a fantastic dry sense of humour about it all. Love him!)

(From the world's best TV show (Yes the worlds best) The Simpsons. Oh come on, do I really need to explain myself here why this man is the funniest, lovable, relatable character ever?)

(From Men in Black. The brightest rookie with attitude to beat. Thank God he's here to protect the planet.)

(Hee hee hee...I bent my wookie....)

(From the UK series, Coupling. Just the stuff that comes out of his mouth will have you in bewildered amazement. He is funny, supportive and fabulously tragic.)

(From the underrated film, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. He's protective, well meaning and hopelessly flawed. Damn, he cracks me up every time I watch it.)

(From the film adaptation, Les Miserables. He's obsessive, determined and cold. He'll stop at nothing to see that justice is served....)

(From the best of the trilogy, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. Nothing strikes fear, like cloaks on horse back. Gives me the shivers now. Favourite scary dudes.)

(Fortunately we have this guy to save us! Yay! He's loyal, gentle, strong and brave. And really good looking with the whole mysertious thing happening there....swooon!)

(From Napoleon Dynamite. Despite his geekiness, lack of a serious job and eh, personality this guy pulls a decent chick and turns out to be a cute little guy anyway. Gotta give him points for that....!)

(From the classic, Psycho. So nice and awkward at first. Talk about learning not to judge a book by it's cover. Our sweet, innocent little murderer....eek eek eek!)

(From the movie, Remains of the Day. He's loyal, dedicated and incredibly polite. His decorum provided for the best story of unrequited love... *sigh*)

(From the tv show, Rugrats. He's a natural leader displaying kindness and the innocent charm only a babe could do. Have an incredible imagination too.)

(From the sadly canceled classic, Firefly. He's devoted, protective and gentile. Plus he's a handsome doctor. What more do you want?)

(From the best movie of all times, The Shawshank Redemption. I doubt the prisons are full of good, peaceful convicts like him but we always have hope.)

(From the Aussie classic, Shine. He's an inspiration. The reason I now love classical music.)

(Is there seriously a serial killer as intriguing or as scary as this guy?)

(Couldn't really not include a character from Star Wars, now couldn't I. Funny, tough and an awesome pilot. Also he's not related to the princess so that's a plus right there!)

(From Zoolander. Talks absolute crap in the funniest way. Plus he can pull his jocks right out of his pants with one move. Classic.)

(From the self titled movie. Proves the original is often the best. The guy has a chocolate factory for crying out loud. It says it all.)

(From the mini series, The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant. She may have been the focus but he was the real reason for watching. His hopelessly one sided love and overall good intentions as a soldier turned into an obsessive hunt for revenge. Amazing to watch. )

And that's the men! Love to hear who you like.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Big and Small Screen People That I Adore (Females)

(From the self titled movie. I adore her honesty, sense of humour and fun loving ways. I think there's a little of her in all us girls)

(From the hit television series, House MD. She's sassy, smart and wars daily with everyone's favourite doctor. One of the best woman in television.)

(From the movie, Garden State. She's cute, down to earth and quirky. I love quirky people. Absolutely love 'em.)

(From the classic film, It's A Wonderful Life. She's determined, gentle and kind. If she was in my reality, she'd be my best mate for sure.)

(From Forrest Gump. She's lost, desperate but eventually she finds her way home. I identify with her so much when I'm feeling hurt or blue.)

(From the movie, A League of Their Own. She's confident, strong and talented. She's got this real inner determination that I just love.)

(From the comedy film, Legally Blonde. She's intelligent, knowledgable and breaks stereotype. Plus she's just so funny to watch. I'd have her as my lawyer any day.)

(From the underrated TV show, Extras. She's spacey, silly and so lovable. I loved every scene with her in it just to see what she'd say. Great great character.)

(From the Pixar classic, Monsters Inc. The cutest little animated character. Awwww!)

(From my fav, Silence of the Lambs. Oh wow, where do I begin with how gutsy and smart this woman is? If you haven't watched the film, WATCH THE FILM (and no, I wasn't shouting, the caps locks key got eh, stuck or something.)

(From the 50's classic, Sunset Blvd. She's vain, conceited and obsessed with herself until the point of insanity. Yet we can not turn away....)

(From the biopic, Walk the Line. Great voice with a fiery spirit. If I was ever famous, I'd want to be like her.)

Next up... the men's turn