(and uni is finished, thank God)
74. Garden State (2004)
As they party on...
This is exactly how I feel at social events sometimes. Just watching everyone move around you feeling somewhat disconnected. Captured perfectly.
75. Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Scratching the Walls
I'd love to do this when I'm mad...

76. Gulliver's Travels (1996)
Last days
(last section of clip- his summary in courtroom)
His views on humanity, while I don't always agree with him, have influenced my opinion of society.
77. Hotel Rwanda (2004)
The News
This sums up my opinion about the news: what's the point about knowing about something if you're going to do nothing about it?
78. The Constant Gardener (2005)
Saving the World
I believe that while you can't save everyone, you can at least make a difference for a few. I just want to be a positive influence in the lives of others.

79. United 93 (2006)
The Twin Towers
Every time I see this footage, it moves me. Such a slap in the face.
80. Super Size Me (2004)
Want fries with that?
It was a long time before I ate Macca's fries again. Even now I hardly ever eat chips from fast food places....
81.The Shadow (1994)
Good. I'm not the only one who has dark, scary dreams.
I couldn't find the script so here's a summary of the scene:
The two leads are discussing their dreams. Margo talks about lying on a hot beach naked while The Shadow talks about his face rotting and falling off or something. She tells him, he's rather disturbed.

Here's the trailer just for a better sense.
Next: Unique. Just a little different... something's not quite right...
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