Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Rare and Far Between...

A reality television show that doesn't suck.

I only really watch the odd reality show for mere amusement but 'So You Think You Can Dance' was such a good show this season I stayed tuned a little longer. Unlike most reality television the entertainment value was not on the conflict between the judges or the contestants but solely on the stories and passion shown on the floor. It was all about the dance, the choreography, the stage. The show had a unique bond between all the participants, including the judges and choreographers and they really felt like a big family.

Not to mention, for once, the top guy dancers were straight and very easy on the eyes.... that may have been a reason too...

Here are my favourites from what I've seen:

Josh & Courtney dancing the Rumba....( this dance got me hooked to the series.)

and the best....

Twitch & Katee

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